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Related : Jewish Music |
50 Shekel |
50 Shekel is the Jewish answer to the famous rapper 50 Cent, minus the violence, foul language and whatnot. In fact, Shek, on the contrary, only promotes positive messages and pride in our Jewish heritage, and has fun doing so. Check out the website for something new and exciting. | |
Dan Hartal |
Dan Hartal is a an Israeli singer songwriter who has just finished recording his fifth album the latest entitled Simen Tov & Mazel Tov. Dan Hartal is currently living in Montreal Canada. | |
Israeli, Oriental, Araboc and Mizrahit Music in mp3 format!!! |
Download mp3 musics from Sarit Hadad, Eyal Golan, Haim Moshe, Zohar Argov, Enrico Macias, Lior Narkis, Lidor Yosefi, Amr Diab, Shlomi Shabat, Khaled, Oum Kalthoum and others israeli, oriental and mizrahit singers!!! | |
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