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Honest Reporting |
HonestReporting was founded by a group of concerned individuals that affiliates neither to the right nor to the left. We are only interested in ensuring that Israel receives the fair media coverage that every nation deserves. We scrutinize the media for examples of bias, and then inform our subscribers of any offending articles, asking them to complain directly to the news agency concerned. | |
IAC - Israel Action Center |
The purpose of our website is to provide the reader with accurate information about the Middle East, comprising 22 Arab countries, Iran and Israel. The information presented is, predominantly, from recognized Arab, Iranian and international sources. We hope that the reader will gain a balanced understanding of this highly complex region of the world.
IAC is an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) comprised of people who believe in advancing democracy, pluralism and mutual understanding in the Middle East. What brings us together is our mutual concern about the distorted image of Israel often portrayed in the international media and expressed in some political circles. | |
IMRA, Independent Media Review and Analysis, was founded in 1992, by Drs. Aaron and Joseph Lerner, as an ongoing analysis of developments in Arab-Israeli relations. Awarded credentials by the Government of Israel as a news organization, IMRA provides an extensive digest of media, polls and significant interviews and events.
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InfoKeren |
We are a goup of young mexican jews trying to get the facts staight and get the truth out for anyone, with news, forums, editorials, etc... All about Israel. | |
Israel Faxx |
Israel Faxx provides you with free, up-to-date news from the Holy Land, as well as more than 1,700 links to sites of Jewish, Christian and Muslim interest. We are offering a free 30-day subscription to our archives, which date to April 1994.
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israel Hasbara Committee |
Check our front page that is updated daily. There are over 6,000 entries on the website and all are readily accessible. People in 122+ countries access the site regularly.
We are 'on site' where the action takes place and have excellent sources from very well-informed people connected to the government. One could not get better sources. We also have a private response department. | |
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