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Jewish Brazil |
Fany's Magazine |
Os melhores sites judaicos comentados, separados por assunto, para você achar tudo rápido. Em novo endereço. Comments about the best jewish sites in the web in a new adress. | |
Hillel Rio |
Hillel Rio gives Jewish university students and young adults a place to congregate, and explore their Jewish identity, through cutting edge programming, having a dymanic staff, and beautiful facilities. Hillel members have the ability to define their own vision of Jewish religion and culture in a diverse, welcoming setting. | |
Jewish Historichal Archive of Pernambuco - Brazil |
The instituition develops researches about the jewish communities in northeast Brazil, with special attention to the first jewish community in Americas. It's based in the reconstituited bulding of the Kahal Zur Israel, the First Synagogue in the american continet, raized by former new cristhians and jewish in the Duch period, from 1630 to 1654. | |
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