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Jewish Orthodox Communities |
Aliya B'Simcha |
A Brand New Concept in Religious Aliya. Forum to encourage Religious Aliya to Communities in Yesha.Includes Potential Olim & Members of various Communities. Will try to help you come on Direct Aliya(with Ulpan) to one of these Communities,as opposed to City Aliya! | |
Bais Abraham Congregation |
Bais Abraham Congregation, a synagogue located in the University City Loop area and adjacent to Washington University, is an eclectic Orthodox congregation with weekly Shabbat services, morning minyans, women's learning groups, family Shabbatons, lunch and learn sessions, student hospitality programs and a junior congregation. Individuals and families of all backgrounds and levels of observance are welcome. On the first Shabbat of every month, the congregation hosts the St. Louis Women's Tefillah Group. The rabbi is Abraham Magence; Larry Friedman is president.
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Bais Ahavas Yisroel - House (that promotes) love of your fellow Jews. |
Dear friend,There's something very exciting happening in the Buffalo Grove Jewish community, and we would like to provide you the opportunity to become involved. It’s called "BAY Shul" which stands for Bais Ahavas Yisroel - House (that promotes) love of your fellow Jews. Bais Ahavas Yisroel promises to be a new beginning for some and a re-commitment for others. At BAY Shul, you will find a warm, friendly synagogue that provides unique insight into Judaism and the world today. Our goal is to provide a growth environment, with a strong emphasis on family and social programming. | |
Bar Yohai Minyan |
Sefardic/Modern Orthodox community in the heart of Silicon Valley. Warm, diverse community of Sefardim, Ashkenazim, Mizrachim from all over the world. Minyan meets in South Peninsula Hebrew Day School. | |
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