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Jewish Magazines |
Shabbat Shalom |
Jewish-Christian reconciliation, It is our hope that Jews and Christians will some day be drawn back to their common roots, will listen to each other, learn from each other, and eventually discover a new face of their common God, who transcends cultures and traditions, the God of Creation, the God of Peace and Love, the God of Shabbat Shalom. | |
Aleph Magazine |
Aleph Magazine is a monthly review of intellectual life. Written with cutting edge style, Aleph Magazine is thought provoking critical dissent of modern culture. A staunch defender of rational thought, Aleph Magazine is also an articulate voice of intellectual clarity. Aleph Magazine brings together a wide range of writers and thinkers whose common aim is to present the most incisive critique of conventional thought and modernity. | |
American Jewish Spirit is published quarterly in over a dozen regional editions as the voice of Jewish outreach and education groups in key Jewish markets around the country. Developed by Community Kollels as a source of inspiration and community, AJS is now the media of choice for a growing number of popular Jewish organizations nationwide. Inspirational editorial, family, food, Torah, people, Israel - but no politics!
Axioma |
Israel's first exclusive online culture and arts magazine. Comprehensive reports, articles, news, reviews and criticism dealing with all aspects of culture and art in israel and abroad. Including information about theatre, dance, music (classical, opera, jazz, rock, world music, etc.) | |
B'tzedek |
B'tzedek, a journal of responsible Jewish commentary, though created primarily as a forum for essays and articles which concern the rectification and unification of Jewish thought, is, however, open to a wide range of scholarly work on the subjects of Jews and Judaism. | |
Call to Read (Kria LeKria) |
A Hebrew website which collects the best online and offline articles from newspapers, magazines and journals in Israel. The site also provides a very useful directory of links to a variety of resources, including newspapers, magazines and journals. | |
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