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Sofer |
STAM-Providing Torah scrolls, megillahs, tefillin, mezuzahs and related Judaica needs from Israel |
Rabbi Askotzky, author of the renowned book, Tefillin & Mezuzos, offers new and restored Torah scrolls, illuminated megillah scrolls, tefillin, mezuzah scrolls, pitum haketores, embroidered Torah covers, sterling silver Torah ornaments, Sephardic Torah cases and more. Planning a sefer Torah project? Check out our Torah Fundraising kit! Ask the sofer STaM, Torah scribe any questions about the scribal arts.. | |
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Benjamin Cohen |
Certified & Registered Sofer StaM-Scribe, Baal Mageah, Artist, providing:Torah Scrolls, Tefillin, Mezuzos, Megillos, Illuminated Kesubos & Manuscripts, Repair ,Restoration & Preservation of Scrolls, Parchment, Quills, Ink, Computer Checking of StaM,Educational Sessions. | |
Producers of Certified Kosher Tefillin, Mezuzoth,& Sefrei Torah. Stocking the largest selection of religious articles and accesorries in Jerusalem. Staffed exclusively professionally trained by ceritified Soferim. Feel free to contact us - we are happy to help you. | |
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Jamie Shear, (Zalman Leib) is a skilled scribe focusing on the centuries old tradition of illuminating holy texts. Jamie studied Safrut StaM (the craft of writing Torahs, Tefillin and Mezuzot) in Jerusalem, under the guidance of Chaim David Saracik, and has received his certification from the Va’ad Mishmeret StaM in B’nei Brak, Israel. He completes his work with passion, concentration, and the highest standard of Halachic integrity. | |
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