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Silver Judaica |
 | | sells 925 Sterling Silver, Manufactured by Hadad Bros. Exclusive Silverware. Kiddush Cups and Goblets, Candlesticks, Candelabras, Mezuzah and more. Receive a 5% discount coupon by entering the word maven in the "Additional Info" section in the order page. | |
Judaic Art of precious metal craftsmanship |
The official site of the Hassidic artist Gavrielov. Here you'll find a catalog of the featured products - all in sterling silver, gold, and precious gemstones. Decorated books, Home-Jewlery, Amulets and more. You may also order a product and customize it to your special needs. The perfect gift for the holidays or any joyous event - to those you really care for and love. | |
Menahem Berman |
MENAHEM BERMAN. Silver Judaica of the highest degree, the best money can buy. Contemporary classics that will become THE Antiques of the Future. MENAHEM BERMANS Outstanding art objects on unusual judaica subjects, are basic for an art collection built by the real connoisseur. MENAHEM BERMAN. Designs by order both religious and secular art objects, for companies and producers. Berman designed Silberfluss for the world wide prestigious Rosenthal-Studio-line, as well as the famous Chagall Mezuzah for Arta gallery in Jerusalem and more for others. MENAHEM BERMAN is a Designer for the Sacred. His work is based on the roots and sources of the Jewish People. Attending Chabad Yeshiva and Bezalel Academy of Art enabled him to create the complete JUDAICART. | |
shuki freiman gallery |
a wonderful showcase of a premier judaica artist, including sterling silver ritual objects, stained glass windows, Iluminated manuscripts and commissioned work. outstanding! | |
Shuki Freiman Gallery |
Artist, Designer, Silversmith & Illustrator show case.Includes samples of work&ordering info.Pieces shown include menoras, Torah Crowns, Rimonim, Holy Arks, Tora Shields, Megilat Ester, Megilat Ruth, Song of Songs, Shabbat candle holders, Hanukias, Kidush Cups and much much more. | |
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